Have you ever needed to do something and lacked the motivation? I have struggled with this in the past and often in the present. I would start a project and in the middle of it I would find something more interesting to do and move on to it before I finished. My I (idea) to I (implementation) ratio was very low. It was around 5:1. I needed help. I had to find a way to increase my I:I. I came up with the idea of having an AP™.
An AP™ is an accountability partner. The AP is who you report to about the status of your project, idea or task to be sure that you are held accountable. Here’s my example: I needed to recreate my script for my meditation cd before I could record it in the studio. My AP for this project was Wendy Y. She is one of my regular AP’s so I called her and told her what I needed to do and by when. The role of the AP is simple and specific.
The AP needs to know two things; 1. What needs to be done and 2. When it needs to be done. When I started using an AP™ my ratio was much better, it was 2:1.
Why did I need an AP? I needed to be held accountable. I knew that I couldn’t depend on motivation and inspiration to get me through, I needed discipline and commitment. Knowing I had to call Wendy Y on April 29th kept me focused and I was determined to call her and say, “Wendy Y, I finished my cd script early.” And I did. I often complete things faster when I have an AP involved.Why does this strategy work? Often time we are more accountable to someone else than we are to themselves. The AP approach works very well for me and I encourage you to try it.
There are three easy steps, here’s what you do:
1. Who – decide who will be your AP™.
2. What – decide what you need to get done.
3. When – tell your AP when you need to have your project/task completed- be realistic.
What happens if you don’t get your project/task done by the timeframe you desired? Let your AP know the new timeframe, if you are still interested in completed the project/task.If things have changed, you can always find another project/task. There is always something to be done.Your AP can be different people based on what you are trying to accomplish. If you are on a team with people, you may choose to pick someone involved on that team. An AP is a great way to develop and enhance discipline around specific projects and get things done more timely.
Let me your thoughts by clicking on the comments and leaving me your thoughts.
BRAVO!!!!!!! Plans are in the works to get the resume done. Thanks for making me accountable to myself. Too much technology can be a bad thing. Have fun and enjoy life. CG
I believe that having someone to be accountable to is important for your growth and development, particularly if you trying to achieve something specific. I had someone on a few projects and I found it helpful. I am now a part of a Mastermind Group at my Church which is effective for me as well.
So love this blog. It puts the need for and benefits of an accountability partner in clear perspective. Love your reframe on an AP :~)
And as a coach, I love it more because so often the 3 steps you mention are the best reason to hire a coach (accountability, clarity and authenticity of goal and accomplishment/celebration when implement)
Thanks for the idea and motivation.
Life Coach Karen
I am in agreement with you somewhat. I think that people need to be inspired to do things, by telling someone else or having an AP may help them due to the fact that they might face embarrassment if they don’t get their task/goal completed.
I have this issue with loosing weight. But for me this is a very intimate and personal issue. I find that the more I educate myself about nutrition and health the more I am inspired to eat right and within this process loose weight.
I do again; however believe that this is a good method for less intimate issues.