How are you living? Part I- (Healthy Eating)

How am I treating my body? Living by design means to consciously create the life you want to live. Every moment of our lives we are making choices that will have a tremendous effect on what we do.  Some of the things we might do include eating, talking, drinking, laughing and sharing our life experiences. A few things to consider [...]

How are you living? Part I- (Healthy Eating)2014-03-24T14:57:20-04:00

Opening the door

Opening the door to being still Five Ways to find time to "Be Still" Greetings, Okay, here's the deal.  I have so many people tell me they can't find the time to Be Still so they can Get Clear...and then Choose well.  Here are a few ways to add this essential practice into your life.  Some of these [...]

Opening the door2014-03-24T14:56:09-04:00

PGS- Personal Guidance System

   PGS - Personal Guidance System I just returned from Puerto Rico; the beautiful people, weather and of course salsa dancing helped me relax, recharge and rejuvenate.  Walking on the beach enjoying the sand, I was reminded of how important is is to be still, get clear and choose well.   I was reminded of how important it is that I connect with my [...]

PGS- Personal Guidance System2014-03-24T14:56:37-04:00
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