Well, it’s my birthday weekend and the weather is doing its thing. I was reminded by several friends how my birthday weekend can be very interesting. As I was thinking about what I wanted to do, it occurred to me that all I really wanted to was to simply be home and relax. I wanted to Be Still. I had my monthly meditation program, Meditations & Conversations on Sunday, so being home was exactly where I wanted to be. My usual tradition is to take the day off from work so my husband and I prepared to be home for a few days based on the weather reports.  The weather certainly has a way of helping you remember what is important.

I’ve been really paying close attention to things for a few years now. Once the weather reports recommended people stay home on Saturday, I knew where I would be. At home, warm and toasty ready to relax and unwind. Friday evening I pulled out my craft tools and settled in to create. I altered a clipboard and a few journals on Friday night. Saturday I woke up and decided I would follow the suggestions of the weather professionals and stayed  home. I sent a text to my sister-in-law and niece to postpone my birthday lunch. When my husband went outside to get something out of the car, the door was frozen. I smiled at him and said,
“I guess that is confirmation that we should stay home today.”

Bliss clipboardSmile journalAR journals

I have been a planner all my life. It’s funny how we make plans and continue going in that direction no matter what is going on… we made plans, right?  We can’t possibly not do what we “planned” to do.  The more I continue to get still, the less I find myself being able to plan as I have in the past. I am learning to connect with what is most important for me to do and move in that direction. I’m going with the FLOW…Feeling Loving Open Willing to pay attention to what is the next best thing for me to do.

Start off the year with#selfcare and Recharge. Replenish. Reconnect. If you are in Atlanta please be my guest at my Meditations & Conversations at Juiceez Etc. at 2:00 PM.  The details are in the attached flyer, I hope to see you there.

I’d love to hear how you are FLOWING and connecting with life. Please share your comments below.


M&C 1.24.16