Gracias. Merci. Grazie. Gamsahamnida. Danke. Thank you.

These two words stay in my thoughts all day long. I feel so grateful for my life. My ability to think and connect with my feelings without over judging myself is getting stronger daily.

The energy of gratitude has been studied and numerous studies show that people who count their blessings are happier and less depressed.

Imagine that! Just counting your blessings regularly can help you be happy!

Let me see… I am grateful for so much…including:

  • My excellent health
  • A loving and supportive husband
  • My family
  • Creative thoughts and ideas
  • Ability to use my voice to educate and inspire

Thank you for reading this email or blog post.
Thank you for supporting my mission to use my voice to heal, educate and inspire.
Thank you for joining or sharing one of my meditations or affirmation practices.

Your turn. What can you say you are thankful for right now? Say it out loud with enthusiasm!

Take a moment during your day to count your blessings…name them one by one.

I’d love for you to leave a comment to share a blessing or something you are thankful for right now!

Interested in joining one of my free sessions?  Check out the links below.

RESOURCES: All the links are here

  • Daily meditation practice – A Slice of Silence on Facebook – 6:30 am (ET)
  • Weekly Wednesday night practice – Let’s Breathe TOGETHER – 8:00 pm (ET)
  • Weekly Thursdays on Insight Timer – 8:00 am (ET)
  • Need affirmations to help with balance your energy? Check out my affirmations on my Etsy Shop, BreathewithBarbara.
  • Why Struggle? life is too short to wear tight shoes (book, audio, e-book) is a map to managing life’s unpredictable journey – order on Amazon or Publisher

Keep breathing…we still meditate daily @ 6:30 am and on Wednesdays @ 8 pm (et) – if you want to learn at your own pace, check out my online course, Just Breathe – all the links are here to register.

Barbara J. Faison, Your Mindfulness and Meditation Ambassador, believes we are all students and teachers in the school of life. Barbara’s used her voice heal, educate and inspire and is an award winning voice talent. She is the facilitator of meditation programs including the daily online meditation practice – A Slice of Silence and the weekly program, Let’s Breathe Together.