It’s almost the end of September and 2020 has been moving along with the momentum of a train about to jump off the tracks.

Sometimes I feel like I get on the train in the morning and continue going throughout the day without stopping to be sure I  am going to the place I want to go. HA! Have you ever had that happen…you just keep going and going and going? You get to the end of the day and think, “Did I do what I really needed to do this day?” HA! HA!

I am learning to STOP and check in on myself during the day. To make sure I am really headed where I want to go. To ensure that when I get to the end of the day, I have arrived at the right train station.

So last week I posted a few “breath breaks” on IG and FB and people said they appreciated the reminder to STOP and BREATHE.

If you need a breath break you can check take one right now… Join me for a one minute breath break… video is below:


I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know how you are feeling and how you enjoyed the breath break.

Interested in joining one of my free sessions?  Check out the links below.

RESOURCES: All the links are here

    • Daily meditation practice – A Slice of Silence on Facebook – 6:30 am (ET)
    • Weekly Wednesday night practice – Let’s Breathe TOGETHER – 8:00 pm (ET)
    • Weekly Thursdays on Insight Timer – 8:00 am (ET)
    • Need affirmations to help with balance your energy? Check out my affirmations on my Etsy Shop, BreathewithBarbara.
    • Why Struggle? life is too short to wear tight shoes (book, audio, e-book) is a map to managing life’s unpredictable journey – order on Amazon or Publisher

Barbara J. Faison, Your Mindfulness and Meditation Ambassador, believes we are all students and teachers in the school of life. Barbara’s used her voice heal, educate and inspire and is an award winning voice talent. She is the facilitator of meditation programs including the daily online meditation practice – A Slice of Silence and the weekly program, Let’s Breathe Together.