Week 17 – The Power of Books
You can listen here – 6:17 mins
I have had a love affair with words since I was a child. I suspect being the daughter of a teacher and a librarian, I got it in the womb. Communicating has been my go to my whole life: writing, speaking, the performing arts. I found out that world book day was yesterday, so happy belated world book day. I don’t think it is ever too late to share how powerful books can be in our lives.
My father and mother both loved to read. I grew up reading, mostly fiction, and my father read a lot of nonfiction. I began writing poetry in high school in my English class because we had to. Thank you Mrs. DeLoach! I was introduced to Nikki Giovanni by my dad and I fell in love with poetry. I found my voice and I wrote poetry through high school and college.
After college I started writing short stories and submitted to publications for a few years and I decided I wanted to write a novel about a young black woman in her twenties who was in search of herself. This was the 90’s so stories like that were not published like they are today.
I set out to write my novel in my 30s. I joined several writing groups when I moved to Atlanta in the 90s and I even received an emerging artist award for my novel in progress, Spenser’s Treasure, which eventually became Crystal Clear… the name changed as I gained clarity about the story. It was about a young woman who left the man she loved to find herself. I did finish it, it’s somewhere in my attic and I never did anything with it.
Along the journey, I discovered the Personal Power audiobook by Tony Robbins, Iylana Vanzant’s Tapping the Power Within and so many more gems. I am grateful for going down the rabbit hole of self discovery.
Curiosity has been a constant companion my whole life. I’ve studied different religions, traditions and cultures. I really like the Buddhist quote “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” So why do we struggle? Is it really necessary?
I began pulling together nuggets that I learned from life and my studies. I am so grateful for my logical nature, it really helped me pull my book together. I wanted to put these life principles into a digestible form that I could use to keep me on track as I traveled this unpredictable journey called life. And that is how my book, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes was born.
In 1999, I self published my book Why Struggle? with 25 topics, including Money is Not Evil, Be Yourself, Love Yourself, and Embrace Change. I wanted to create a mini reference manual that would have a topic, with an exercise/practice for immediate use, and an affirmation you could take into your day. You can read some of the Amazon reviews here.
In 2017, I released the 2nd edition of the book as a tribute to my parents and I shared more of my journey as my mothers her caregiver. This time I self published using Balboa press and I also created e-book and audiobook versions of Why Struggle? Now I get to practice a little kindness toward myself because I created the audiobook before my voiceover training. The lessons just continue. Lol.
I believe done is perfect. We can be extremely hard on ourselves as human beings. For me, it is important to complete what I truly want to put out into the world. If I don’t put it out, I will nitpick it until I decide I can’t send it out into the world. Done is perfect.
To all the lovers of books in whatever form, in celebration of world book day, feel free to take two dollars off anything in my online store at barbarafaison.com/store until Sunday, using the promo code two.
If you would like to hear some of the snippets of my book, Why Struggle? Check out YouTube channel playlist for Why Struggle? episodes or you can hear this excerpt called You Can’t Make Anyone ______ from my podcast on May 28, 2022.
My journey continues as I own what I call my T.A.G.S. Talents. Abilities. Gifts. Skills. Curiosity is such a gift in life. Please share your T.A.G.S proudly, after all, that’s what we are on the earth to do. To be fully ourselves, right?
Books in whatever form are powerful. What is a book that has impacted your life? What if the author never published that book?
I look forward to hearing about some of the powerful books you love! You can reply here or send me a message on social media @barbarafaison.
Let me know by replying here or messaging me on social media.
The card pulled for us from my card deck
Relax, Listen, and Trust Your Inner Guidance.
#11 LISTEN – I ACCEPT my body AS IT IS
One of my affirmations is…
My body is amazing and serves me well.
Our group sessions are small and intimate (less than 10 people)
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Need a quick breath break you can take one right here.
Keep breathing…
Barbara J. Faison
your meditation ambassador
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