
Beautiful life with Avada Health Care gives security

Studies show good health is all important There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden [...]

Beautiful life with Avada Health Care gives security2015-11-26T14:39:38-04:00

Be Still: We DID THAT!

Posted on the conference room doors at the office :) Be still, we did that! I am so thrilled that the first Meditations and Conversations session on April 26 had six participants who accepted the invitation to recharge, replenish and reconnect using meditation and breath work as a foundation. A few of the comments shared by the attendees are below. “I felt refreshed, [...]

Be Still: We DID THAT!2018-10-02T22:08:58-04:00

Be Still: Why do that? Updated

  Meditation-Om. The sound of the word can create images of monks sitting crossed legged chanting words you don’t understand.  Or maybe people in flowing robes espousing words of universal love.  Forget your preconceived ideas of what you may think meditation is and focus on the results of regular practice. Take a moment to imagine a day that starts out [...]

Be Still: Why do that? Updated2015-05-05T09:17:31-04:00

Crocheting is another form of meditation

Crocheting is another form of meditation...and can get you a college scholarship to boot http://ow.ly/a5rrP - please retweet and share. My latest creation - convertible shrug/wrap/shawl. http://ow.ly/i/y2Pg

Crocheting is another form of meditation2012-04-04T22:25:36-04:00

Tap Into Your Grooveline with Meditation

Tap into your Grooveline with Music We are so busy most of the time these days. Between commuting, traveling, work, school, children, family, friends, and life in general it can feel overwhelming. I was on my way, somewhere the other day and a song came on that took me back to my high school homecoming dance. Okay, I am about [...]

Tap Into Your Grooveline with Meditation2015-04-19T18:48:05-04:00

Opportunities for giving

It's that time of the year. We see Give...Give...Give... EVERYWHERE. Yesterday I donated blood at the American Red Cross  and had an interesting conversation with the people assisting me. Usually when I give blood I can get in and out very quickly, I have good veins and I don't usually have issues with blood flow. Denise did the initial questioning [...]

Opportunities for giving2014-03-24T15:01:42-04:00

How Are You Living by Design?

How are you living by design? In 2009,  I took a few months to “be still” so I could “get clear” and then “choose well.” I started drinking fresh “live” juices as a part of my diet, I vacationed in Puerto Rico and was able to enjoy the company of great friends, wonderful weather and of course, salsa dancing.  I [...]

How Are You Living by Design?2014-03-24T14:53:14-04:00

Going Home

Lacee Mom The Sage "I'm going home, to a place where I belong where your love has always been enough for me... Cause these places and these spaces are getting old. I'm going home."   Lyrics from Home by Chris Daughtry Going home for me means I am going to visit my mother, the Sage of life. [...]

Going Home2014-03-24T14:53:43-04:00

How are you living? (Part II) Fresh Juice Recipes

                                               Fresh Juice Recipes I decided to list the fresh juices I have been trying and some recommended suggestions from friends who have been juicing longer than I.  As I get better with the combinations I will share the amounts, right now I'm just looking at what I have andguessing what amounts will produce the amount of juice I want, [...]

How are you living? (Part II) Fresh Juice Recipes2014-03-24T14:55:31-04:00
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