
How are you living? Part I- (Healthy Eating)

How am I treating my body? Living by design means to consciously create the life you want to live. Every moment of our lives we are making choices that will have a tremendous effect on what we do.  Some of the things we might do include eating, talking, drinking, laughing and sharing our life experiences. A few things to consider [...]

How are you living? Part I- (Healthy Eating)2014-03-24T14:57:20-04:00

Opening the door

Opening the door to being still Five Ways to find time to "Be Still" Greetings, Okay, here's the deal.  I have so many people tell me they can't find the time to Be Still so they can Get Clear...and then Choose well.  Here are a few ways to add this essential practice into your life.  Some of these [...]

Opening the door2014-03-24T14:56:09-04:00

PGS- Personal Guidance System

   PGS - Personal Guidance System I just returned from Puerto Rico; the beautiful people, weather and of course salsa dancing helped me relax, recharge and rejuvenate.  Walking on the beach enjoying the sand, I was reminded of how important is is to be still, get clear and choose well.   I was reminded of how important it is that I connect with my PGS...read [...]

PGS- Personal Guidance System2014-03-24T14:56:37-04:00

What do you move to?

I've made a commitment to do more cardio in my workouts so I've been riding the bike and walking on the treadmill. I enjoy salsa dancing as a form of exercise and fellowship. If I could dance salsa all the time that would be great. I am committed to do more cardio in other ways so that means I need a little help to keep me pumped up...

What do you move to?2009-03-06T14:32:28-04:00

Three Tips for Designing your Holiday Season

How are you feeling about the holiday season? Some people find this time of the year exciting and love the energy that it brings.  Other people find this time emotionally challenging due to many personal circumstances.  Take the time to check in with yourself to see how you are feeling these days. The holiday season is here and [...]

Three Tips for Designing your Holiday Season2008-12-12T18:14:28-04:00

How are you treating life these days?

Greetings, How are you treating life these days? Yes, that's right. Instead of saying, "How are you doing? Or How's life? I started asking people, "How are you treating life?" Hmmm…now that's different right? It makes you think about what YOU are doing in your life. A dog is a dog. A cat is a cat. As human beings we [...]

How are you treating life these days?2014-03-24T14:57:55-04:00

Affirmations – How to make them work for you

You are Loved! What do you think about most of the time? Are your thoughts positive, negative, neutral?When something doesn't go the way you want, what is your first thought? Our thoughts are constantly running around in our minds. Sometimes we forget that we can manage our thoughts. What we focus on expands in our lives. When we [...]

Affirmations – How to make them work for you2014-03-24T14:58:30-04:00

Busy Vs Productive – What do you Think?

     How are you feeling these days? This weekend I had a Barbara weekend.  Barbara weekends consist of doing only what I want to do.  I don't commit to anything and allow my days to unfold moment by moment. I love these weekends. Sometimes I disconnect and sometimes I stay connected.  This weekend, I stayed connected via the [...]

Busy Vs Productive – What do you Think?2008-10-28T15:17:07-04:00

Be Accountable: Do You have AP’s ™?

Have you ever needed to do something and lacked the motivation? I have struggled with this in the past and often in the present. I would start a project and in the middle of it I would find something more interesting to do and move on to it before I finished. My I (idea) to I (implementation) ratio was very [...]

Be Accountable: Do You have AP’s ™?2008-10-05T20:57:10-04:00

Living by Design: 5 Ways to it Do NOW!

Every day we have opportunities to grow and create the lives we truly want. Each day we must truly venture to "live by design" in order to create a truly divine and magnificent life. Being responsible and accountable for the day we design and the energy we bring to everything requires that we live consciously aware of each moment and the choices that we make - for they will indeed have consequences. Struggling is a choice. Make bold choices as you lay the foundation for the life you truly want to live. Why Struggle?

Living by Design: 5 Ways to it Do NOW!2008-09-06T05:23:08-04:00
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